Search results

  1. California For Trade - PRL motor mount for stock FL5 mount

    I'm down to meet in El Monte if you wanna swap at the shop I use.
  2. Personal Quote / Price Match Tool!

    Josh - can you list the deals you have?
  3. El Paso TX Jailbreak Tour

    @Hondata How much is the jail break in person ? Where can we find details on this?
  4. California Sold

    Are all of these catless?
  5. 2024 REVWORX FL5 Type R Build

    Nice list of mods and great picture tutorial of all the work you’ve done!
  6. Manual Transmission Feel

    They data will never be released but it's well known that RB issues are way more apparent than CH issues. I am close friends with a very well known shop owner in SoCal who works on European cars. He's done hundreds of RBs on S55's. His sample size is much larger than "many colleagues" and his...
  7. Manual Transmission Feel

    S55 is a great engine. RB on S65 is most likely to fail eventually. Crank hub on S55 is unlikely to happen on a stock car. These two issues are very different - it isn’t splitting hairs.
  8. Front Lip Identification and Recommdations

    Get an APR lip. Buy once, cry once.
  9. FL5 infotainment reliability

    3d printed mount off of Etsy, oem mag charger, and 45w cig charger. Fast charging and phone stays in place perfectly.
  10. Unlock ECU and tunes - don't do what I did

    So would John be open to the original purchaser of the tune paying the fee to have it modified?
  11. WTB - Hondata Flash Pro

    I bought one for $450 shipped a month ago. They regularly sell between $450-$500 on FBMP. Just need to get my unlock and then I’m gonna hit you up for a tune!
  12. WTB - Hondata Flash Pro

    I’ll save $400 for something that is essentially identical.
  13. WTB - Hondata Flash Pro

    You can find the older version for FK8 regularly on sale for $450-$500. $400 is achievable but may take some time.
  14. Spoon Sports Rigid Collars Installation on FL5

    So just to be clear, this basically makes the car better with no negatives? RMM was said to be a great mod but it comes with additional NVH. This mod reduces NVH yet increases rigidity of the chassis?
  15. California Titanium Exhaust

    Bump. Willing to trade for a quieter exhaust haha
  16. Spoon Sports Rigid Collars Installation on FL5

    I noticed they don't charge tax. If they're shipping from Japan, are there any taxes/fees associated?
  17. Spoon Sports Rigid Collars Installation on FL5

    @elusiveaura @WeudS Did you guys purchase from Blackhawk? I'm thinking about getting a set. Presumably that's the best place to buy?
