Search results

  1. Steering Rack Recall

    Does anyone know if the shortcut repair also works on FL5's? I received the recall letter in the mail today. Shortcut is done without removing the rack, taking less an an hour. Otherwise the steering has to be recalibrated after reassembly. I saw the shortcut repair performed on a regular...
  2. DIY Oil Change

    1st oil change yesterday at 5K miles. Some things to note: 1.) #3 Phillips head drivers work fine in the 4 screws. No issues and I've used #3 Phillips for a decade on a CRV (screws still like new). I put some Permatex anti-seize on the rear threads before reinstalling, since there was more...
  3. FL5 Intake Comparison Testing

    Search "Tegiwa FL5 Intake" on YouTube to see their comparison dyno testing of several intakes and K&N filter. It's a stock UK car (except exhaust), so OEM tune is likely a bit different from USA. Surprising how much difference they see with some intakes. They note ambient temperatures can and...
  4. Acura Integra Damper Module

    I received and installed the ITS ADS module this week. I ordered it 3/9 from, but was willing to wait on backorder. Installation was less than 1/2 hour all together. I'm very happy with the results which is about one click less than the CTR module, such that my Sport is now...
